Sauna no Umeyu(Kyoto city,Kyoto)

Continuing from last time, we bring you more sauna information from Kyoto, a favorite destination for travelers!!! The “sayu kamogawa” we introduced previously was a modern private sauna in a renovated machiya townhouse, but today we’re introducing a long-established classic!! Its name is “Sauna no Umeyu”!!

When you think of saunas in Kyoto, “Sauna no Umeyu” is one of the first names that comes to mind!!

“Sauna no Umeyu” is a 7-minute walk from Keihan Line’s Kiyomizu-Gojo Station. The river flowing in front of the establishment is called the Takase River.

The area along the Takase River is known for its many restaurants, making it one of Kyoto‘s top dining districts. However, the area around “Sauna no Umeyu” has a lot of relaxed and charming establishments, so just walking around there will make you feel happy!! (If you head further north, you’ll find a bustling downtown area!)

Here is “Sauna no Umeyu” at night!! The vintage neon signs give off a nostalgic vibe!! It has an incredibly charming atmosphere~~!! Let’s step right in through the noren curtain and see what it’s like inside!!

Once you step inside, you’re greeted by a traditional wooden shoe locker!! This is the essence of an old-school public bathhouse!! Take off your shoes and place them in one of these lockers. The wooden tag attached to the door serves as your key.

Here’s the reception area. In Japanese, the reception area of a public bathhouse is called “Bandai.” It retains the traditional atmosphere!! You won’t find many places like this in Japan nowadays~~. The bathing fee is only 490 yen!! (You can rent a face towel for 50 yen!!) Kyoto‘s public bathhouses have standardized their prices to make them accessible to everyone. And this bathing fee includes the sauna charge as well!!!!

Here is the retail space. “Sauna no Umeyu” offers a variety of original merchandise like T-shirts and stickers!! You’re sure to find something you want~~!!

Here is the women’s bath! In the center of the bathing area, there are jet baths and deep baths, along with a bell shower. The water is heated using firewood, just like in the old days!! The same method has been used for years. In front of the sauna door, there’s a cold bath filled with 18°C water drawn from underground. The painting of pine trees on the wall in the back adds to the authentic public bathhouse atmosphere, enhancing the overall experience.

Before entering the sauna, make sure to wash your body at this shower area!! By the way, the blue faucet is for cold water, and the red one is for hot water. These traditional showers might feel a bit cramped, but that’s all part of the public bathhouse charm!!

And here is the sauna room!! The unique patterned tiles are just as they were in the past!! It has an incredible atmosphere~~. Despite its age, the sauna room is impeccably clean!! It’s clear that it’s well-maintained. The temperature in the dry sauna exceeds 100 degrees Celsius (the women’s side is slightly lower). Once you’re thoroughly warmed up, head through the door to that next spot~~!!!!

Here is the cold water bath!! It’s supplied with fresh Kyoto groundwater, renowned for its excellent quality!! The water quality is truly remarkable. It’s the kind of cold bath you could stay in forever!! Since it’s groundwater, the temperature may vary from day to day, which adds to the fun. However, be careful not to soak for too long because the water quality is so good!!

Unfortunately, “Sauna no Umeyu” doesn’t have outdoor relaxation or resting areas. After the cold bath, you can either return to the bathing area and sit for a while, or you can go back to the changing room and relax. Find your own way to enjoy the experience!

How about one of these drinks after your bath??? With their retro fonts and bottles, they’re just adorable~~~. And they’re all homemade, too!! It’s definitely a must-try when you come here!!

How was “Sauna no Umeyu”??? Not only the content of the public bath, but also its location is perfect for experiencing Kyoto. It’s sure to be a fantastic experience!! If you’re in Kyoto, be sure to stop by!!


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