Sakura no Yado(Aso,Kumamoto)

Happy New Year! I pray that this year brings a wonderful sauna life to everyone for the entire year!

To kick off the new year, I would like to introduce a lodging facility called “Sakura no Yado” located in Aso City, Kumamoto Prefecture! Although it is not a dedicated sauna facility, it is a rental accommodation, but the sauna and its surroundings were so fantastic that I would like to share it here!

First, let me provide some information about Kumamoto Prefecture and Aso City. Kumamoto Prefecture is located in the central part of Kyushu and is known for its numerous active volcanoes, swift-flowing rivers, and hot spring resorts. The prefectural capital, Kumamoto City, is home to Kumamoto Castle, a fortress built in the 17th century. Aso City is situated in the northeastern part of Kumamoto Prefecture, in the central region of the Aso area. The terrain features the world’s largest caldera centered around Mount Aso, along with vast grasslands. The landscapes visible from the mountain viewpoints are truly breathtaking! Mount Aso, located in the southern part of the city, has five peaks, with Naka-dake being particularly famous for its active volcanic activity.

The “Sakura no Yado” that I am introducing this time is located in the plains of Aso City. It takes about a 20-minute walk from Aso Station, and the distance is manageable on foot. Both Kumamoto Prefecture and Aso City do not have transportation systems as developed as Tokyo or Osaka, so when exploring the area, it’s necessary to make good use of trains and buses. If possible, renting a car is the most convenient option. This is true for most regional cities in Japan.

Here are the accommodation rates for “Sakura no Yado”:

Accommodation fee: ¥27,000 per person (including 1 night stay and 2 meals).
*Please note that there is a possibility of an increase in the fee during the high season.

Here is “Sakura no Yado.” The black building on the right is the accommodation facility. There is also a restaurant attached, but since the entrances are separate, privacy is ensured! And most importantly, the sauna that catches your attention! A barrel sauna is prominently placed in front of the building! The pool in the foreground appears to be a cold-water bath. It looks quite refreshing too!

In front of the sauna, there is a vast expanse of rice fields and fields. For people around my age, such landscapes might be considered the original scenery, and many may feel a sense of nostalgia, finding it incredibly calming. When I visited at the end of the year, the landscape was as described above. I imagine it would be even more lush and green in the summer!

By the way, here is the early morning scenery. In winter, mornings can be quite chilly! The fields are covered in frost, creating a beautiful and crisp atmosphere. Now, let’s take a look at the sauna!

They also provide a whopping nine different aromas for the löyly (sauna steam)! It must be quite a dilemma to choose. For this visit, I went with the classic birch aroma oil!

The sauna at “Sakura no Yado” is a barrel sauna, shaped like a wooden barrel. It is a type of sauna originating from Finland. The design allows the heat from the löyly to efficiently warm the body. The cold-water bath right next to it looks quite refreshing!

From the front, it looks like this. The door is made of glass, and the wall beyond it is also glass, allowing you to enter the sauna while enjoying the view of the rice fields. Combined with the background, it creates a beautiful and tranquil atmosphere!

The stove is a wood-burning stove. Enjoying the sound of burning wood and watching the flames while in the sauna is truly special! The heating intensity depends on the amount of firewood you use. You can adjust the temperature to your liking, so if you prefer a longer sauna session, keeping it around 60 degrees is a good idea. Personally, I like it hot, so I added quite a bit of firewood. It quickly went over 100 degrees! The power of firewood is truly remarkable!

As the sun sets, the sauna is illuminated only by the flame of the stove. It creates a wonderfully calm atmosphere. The outside scenery is also crisp and beautiful. Barrel saunas often lack windows, but the type with this large window is truly exceptional.

After warming up sufficiently in the sauna, it’s time for the adjacent cold-water bath! This cold-water bath looks truly chilling. The water is sourced from natural underground springs, creating an incredibly refreshing experience. Normally, it’s around 15 degrees, but during winter, it’s likely much lower. I would estimate around 10 degrees, perhaps? I’m not entirely sure, but it felt significantly colder than 15 degrees! And despite being cold, the water quality is fantastic! It has a smooth, gentle feel on the skin.

After the cold-water bath, it’s time for an outdoor air bath! The familiar Coleman Infinity Chair is waiting. Since the body cools quickly in winter, it’s recommended to wipe off moisture with a bath towel before sitting on the chair. This way, you can enjoy the outdoor air bath for a longer period. Having a sauna poncho is also a great idea! Enjoying the serene landscape while listening to distant sounds of cars, birdsong, and the rustling of the wind makes these several minutes truly invaluable. It brings a sense of happiness.

Did the charm of the sauna at “Sakura no Yado” come across? Now, let me briefly introduce the accommodation and dining. They are also fantastic!

It’s a room renovated from an old folk house! The large wooden beams are quite impressive. The layout consists of a dining area on the first floor (which also includes a mini-kitchen) and a bedroom with a bathroom on the second floor. The first and second floors are connected by an open space, allowing the warmth from the wood-burning stove on the first floor to spread throughout the entire room.

Here is one of the dinner dishes: incredibly fresh sashimi! There were various Japanese and Western dishes to enjoy. Above all, everything was delicious! The portion size is definitely enough to satisfy your appetite!

Here is the breakfast. Having breakfast by the counter near the window is wonderful. It creates a delightful mood right from the morning.

How was it? If you are interested, please check out the website of “Sakura no Yado”!! If you are considering staying, feel free to leave a comment, and I can explain the reservation process!


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